The big five: index fund of exercises

11 Jul 2021

Body by Science by Doug McGuff and John Little talks about the science and craft of building muscles, including the importance of muscle building, effective exercise techniques, and the impact of muscle mass on metabolism.

The book introduces five sets of compound exercises that cover the majority of functional muscles. They are known as “The Big Five: Index Fund of Exercise”. There are two variations: one with machines and one with free weights (barbell and plates).

I perform the “Big Five” one to two times a week with free weights. The entire setup costs around 30k INR (400$).

With Machines
1. Seated Row

Start and finish position: seated row

2. Chest Press

Start and finish position: chest press

3. Pull Down

Start and finish position: pull down

4. Overhead Press

Start and finish position: overhead press

5. Leg Press

Start and finish position: leg press

Free Weights
1. Bent-Over Barbell Row

Start and finish position: bent-over barbell

2. Standing Overhead Press

Start and finish position: standing overhead press

3. Deadlift

Start and finish position: deadlift

4. Bench Press

Start and finish position: bench press

5. Squat

Start and finish position: squat